Saturday, August 1, 2015

I just have to get this off my chest. I really should just put it in my journal where no one can read it. But I'm not. I'm going to talk about it. We are going to talk about me, so bare other me. Their is one thing about my personality that is awesome and not awesome at the same time. Your probably thinking to yourself, what is she talking about. Those that truly know me might have seen this. Because It makes me look like a total bitch but after awhile and what happens sinks in, I'm getting a thank you from that person. So here we go. I am that girl when things bug me and depending on how much this thing bugs I will tell that person verse just getting over and moving on or just talk about you behind your back. I really try to not do that last one. Only because that has also bit me in the butt. Now that I'm 30 I just don't care what your thoughts are about me if I tell you the truth or how I feel about it. The other day I had to do that. Their is something about public display of affection that just annoys me. You might think that I'm jealous that you are in a relationship and I'm not. Trust me, im not. Im all about being affectionate to the one I love, behind closed doors. In public I will hold your hand, give you hugs, I will kiss you, and give you flirty eyes when I look at you. That's it. When I'm around friends or family, I will particate. I will not leave to be alone with my loved one. I have the rest of my life and then some to be with you. I cannot take back the moments that I miss with my friends and family. I know not everyone is like this. But I also want to be considerate of those around me. So if I tell you that I'm uncomfortable and withdraw myself from you. I'm not being rude. I'm not trying to be a bitch. I'm just telling you how I feel and probably how many others feel who don't have the balls to tell you. So be nice to the messenger. We are the ones that have the balls to say something.

Anyone's else that is like this? Or am I just truly a bitch. (Maybe that's why I'm not married)

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