Tuesday, August 25, 2015

I just would like to say how great it is to have roommates. I have had many. Some are great. Some not so much and some you just can't stand. I work, a lot. I sometimes don't have time to make a homecooked meal. But when I do. I clean up after myself.... Lately with past roommates.. I don't know if it's because I'm older but I have been cleaning up after them. I'm not your mother. It gets old real quick. If you want see my bitch side. Keep doing it. Old food stinks and eventually tracks ants. Yes we have an ant problem. 

Second. It's flipping summer. It's 90-100 degrees outside. When I am in the house, when anyone is in the house. Leave the A/C on. Your new into this house, we like the A/C in the summer. This is another way to get me in a bad mood. I hate summer, I hate the heat. I rather be cold. I'm so excited for winter. 

Alright. I'm done. Rant over. I need to live by myself and summer needs to end. Now.

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